Mixit 01-15
Sunday, February 01, 2015
What I did in January 2015…/ Čo som robila v Januári 2015…
First month of the brand new
year is over and here is a little summary of my whereabouts. I have prepared 7
posts – hosting Adriana and Pali, spent quite some time shopping, read through
5 books and successfully finished all of them, baked and cooked some yummy
dishes and spent hours outside with my dog and really enjoyed snow in our small
city. <3
Prvý mesiac nového roku je za nami a tu je malý sumár môjho bytia. Úspešne som pripravila 7 postov - hosťovali Adriana a Pali, dáky čas som trávila nakupovaním, prečítala som sa do úspešného konca 5tich kníh, varila a piekla samé dobrotky, strávila hodiny vonku so psom a užívala si sneh v našom malom meste. <3
Yummy dishes // Mňamky
Fun with Filip // Zábava s Filipkom
Winter outfits // Zimné outfity
When sun was shining // Keď svietilo slniečko
How did you guys spend January? // Aký bol váš Január?
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