New In...
Friday, May 22, 2015
I had big plans, but the weather is not playing in my team
this week. So I have prepared a new in post with the outfit I wanted to share
with you. I bought it last week in KOTON. Actually I only wanted to try the
skirt, but when I came to the fitting room, this T-shirt was just hanging
there. So I took it to try if the skirt would look nice with a plain T-shirt
and then finally in the fitting room the blue heels were waiting for me – my
size. So this was a destiny, right?
Mala som veľké plány, ale počasie nehrá za môj tím. Tak som si pripravila new in post outfitu, ktorý som s vami chcela zdielať. Kúpila som si ho minulý týždeň v KOTONe. Vlastne som si iba chcela vyskúšať sukňu, ale keď som prišla do kabínky, tak toto tričko si tam iba tak vyselo. Tak som ho vzala na vyskúšanie, nech vidím, či by sa tá sukňa dala kombinovať s obyčajnými tričkami a nakoniec na mňa v kabínke čakali tieto modré lodičky – moja veľkosť. Takže to bol osud, nie?
Happy Friday Folks! // Šťastný piatok priatelia!
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ReplyDeleteLucky Winner
..dakujem Peggie..neviem sa dockat pocasia na ich nosenieee :)