Dior and I...
Friday, June 12, 2015
I have
received invitation for the premiere of the movie DIOR and I. It was +1 so
of course the choice was my bf and photographer in one. I was little bit afraid that he won‘t enjoy the movie, but let me tell you the
first thing he said afterwards – „I want to see it again!“ . And this is the
magic of the real people doing the real job, seeing their emotions and hard
work. The movie is really touching and I will never get so close to Haute Couture as I was in the cinema.
I will for sure recommend to all fashion lovers.
Special thanks goes to Maťka and ASFK.
Do you know the other 2 bloggers with me?
Rebeka from Fresshion and Viki from Simply the blog.
Rebeka from Fresshion and Viki from Simply the blog.
Dostala som pozvánku na premiéru filmu DIOR a JA.
Bola +1, takže moja voľba padla na môjho drahého a fotografa v jednom.
Trochu som sa bála, že sa mu film nebude páčiť, ale viete čo povedal hneď po
filme – „Chcem ho vidieť ešte raz!“ . A práve toto je čaro skutočných
ľudí, ktorí robia skutočný džob, vidieť ich emócie a tažkú prácu. Film je
vážne dojemný a myslím, že sa nikdy nedostanem tak blízko k Haute Couture
ako v kine. Určite odporúčam každému milovníkovi módy.
Špeciálne poďakovanie patrí Maťke a ASFK.
Špeciálne poďakovanie patrí Maťke a ASFK.
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