Beach dress..

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Hola! There have been lot of first time experiences on this holiday. First real vacation as married couple, first flight over the ocean, first time in Caribbean and first time wearing this dress. I bought it on eBay as far as I remember and the price was ridiculous. 

What is your favorite holiday spot?

Čaute! Na tejto dovolenke bolo veľa jedinečných zážitkov. Prvá skutočná dovolenka ako manželský pár, prvý let cez oceán , prvýkrát v Karibiku a po prvýkrát mám na sebe tieto šaty . Kúpila som ich cez eBay, ak si dobre pamätám a cena bola smiešna .

Aké je vaše obľúbené miesto na dovolenku?

Dress - eBay // Shoes - small shop in Barcelona // Hat - hubby's 

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