New in...
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Hola! Yes of course I had to go to the nearest mall and check the winter sales, however my first try was a total disappointment. Do you know the feeling when you are planning to buy this and that and the reality hits you in the belly? Well, I left that day with only one dress and a cap from my hubby. I have to admit that I adore the dress, I was wearing it twice already and I hope to prepare outfit post soon. This weekend was a bit better and I have found a huge and comfy sweater and high waist shorts in Pull&Bear and bought long dress and dark blue shoes in Zara and another pair of shoes in F&F.
What was your N°1 piece from sales this year?
Hola ! Áno, samozrejme som musela ísť do najbližšieho nákupného centra a skontrolovať zimné zľavy, ale môj prvý pokus bol totálnym sklamaním. Poznáte ten pocit, keď plánujete kúpiť to a to a realita vás zasiahne do brucha? No, v ten deň som odišla iba so šatami a čiapkou od môjho manžela. Musím sa priznať, že tie šaty zbožňujem, mala som ich na sebe už dvakrát a dúfam, že outfit post bude čoskoro. Tento víkend bol o niečo lepší a ja som našla obrovský a pohodlný sveter a high waist šortky v Pull&Bear a v Zare som si kúpila dlhé šaty a tmavo modré topánky a ďalší pár topánok v F&F.
Aký bol váš N°1 kúsok z výpredaja tento rok?
Faux-leather dress & cap - Mohito
Sweater & denim shorts - Pull&Bear
Shoes & knitted dress - Zara
Shoes - F&F
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