Poncho and friends...
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Hi there! How was your weekend? Hope you had a great time. I did some Valentine's shopping and also found these wonderful cat-like sunnies. The weather was nice, so I decided to go just with faux-leather jacket and poncho with a lot of denim.
Do you have any special plans for Valentine?
Ahoj! Aký bol váš víkend? Dúfam, že ste sa mali skvelo. Ja som bola na Valentínskych nákupoch a našla tieto nádherné mačacie okuliare. Počasie bolo pekné, tak som sa rozhodla ísť len v koženke a prehodiť si pončo s kopou džínsoviny.
Máte nejaké "špeci" plány na Valentína?
Poncho, jeans, shirt - Pull&Bear // Jacket - Mango // Sunnies - Tally Weijl // Shoes - CCC // Bag - Zara
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