Happy Mother's Day...

Sunday, May 08, 2016

Hi there! Today is Mother's Day, so do not forget to surprise your mom. I have decided to prepare this beautiful post with my mom. Last time we were shopping together, she picked this blue poncho for Mother's day and I knew immediatelly, that she will also get a set of lovely pictures including this poncho and she will become a special guest on my blog. I was the stylist and photographer and I really hope that our neighbours won't mind that we have used their gate for these pictures.

Thanks mom for all the love and inspiration!

Btw would you say that this lady will be a GRANDMA in 2 months?

Ahoj! Dnes je Deň matiek, takže nezabudnite prekvapiť svoju maminu. Rozhodla som sa pripraviť tento krásny príspevok s mojou mamkou. Na posledom spoločnom nákupe si vybrala ku dňu matiek toto modré pončo a ja som hneď vedela, že okrem ponča dostane aj set krásnych fotiek a stane sa tak hosťom na mojom blogu. Bola som stajlistka aj fotograf a dúfam, že našim susedom nevadí, že sme použili ich bránu na toto fotenie.

 Vďaka mami za všetku lásku a inšpiráciu!

Mimochodom, povedali by ste, že táto žena bude o 2 mesiace babča?

Poncho - H&M (similar here) // Hat - Zara (shop here) // Bag - Mango (shop here) // Mom - not for sale <3

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