What is the best spring color?...
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
Hi! This outfit is more casual, rather for a walk in the neigbourhood than a city walk. I am wearing another H&M trousers from Mama collection and two of my gifts - yellow scarf I've got for X'Mas and this wonderful yellow bag I've got for my Birthday. As you can see the best color of this season is (at least for me) YELLOW .
Oh and yes, the belly is more and more visible, but honestly - I am starting 8th month this week, so it is not that surprising, right?
Don't forget to share your favorite spring color with me. :)
Don't forget to share your favorite spring color with me. :)
Ahoj! Tento outfit je viac ležérny, skôr na prechádzku v susedstve než do mesta. Mám na sebe ďalšie H&M nohavice z Mama kolekcie a dva z mojich darčekov - žltú šatku mám od Vianoc a túto nádhernú žltú kabelku som dostala k narodeninám. Ako môžete vidieť najlepšia farba tejto sezóny je (aspoň pre mňa) žltá.
Óoo a áno, bruško je stále viac a viac viditeľné, ale úprimne - tento týždeň začínam ôsmy mesiac, takže to nie je tak prekvapujúce, či?
Nezabudnite sa so mnou podeliť o svoju obľúbenú jarnú farbu. :)
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