Sunflowers are my company...
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Hi folks! I was on a walk with Zachary and Filip when I saw this field full of sunflowers. I was so excited and knew immediatelly that I have to prepare new post there. As I am spending most of my time at home, I am wearing leggins almost constantly. It is quite funny, cause I was about throwing all of them away, which I did more or less and kept only 3 of them. But no worries I am always wearing some long T-shirt or dress over them and this time I have added a tiny Gipsy look by adding lot of necklaces, rings, leather boots and hat.
Ahojte kamoši! Bola som na prechádzke so Zakom a Filipom, keď som zbadala toto pole plné slnečníc. Bola som taká nadšená a okamžite vedela, že sa musím pripraviť nový príspevok práve tam. Keďže trávim väčšinu svojho času doma, mám na sebe legíny takmer neustále. Je to celkom vtipné, pretože som chcela všetky zahodiť, čo som viacmenej aj spravila a nechala si iba trojo. Ale žiadny strach, vždy mám na sebe nejaké dlhé tričko alebo šaty a tentoraz som dodala Gipsy look pridaním viacerých náhrdelníkov, prsteňov, kožených topánok a klobúka.

Shop my look:
Dress - H&M (similar here)
Leggins - Promod (similar here)
Boots - Lasocki (similar here)
Backpack - NewYorker
Hat - Stradivarius (similar here)
Sunnies - Parfois (similar here)
2 komentárov
Paradne Romi!
ReplyDeleteDakujem Veronika :-*