How to wear loafers...
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Hi all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend and you are recharged with tons of energy. I am about to plan our trips for the upcoming vacation, so if you have any tips where to go on Mallorca I will be more than happy. Just share your thoughts below as comments. It will be I guess my 4th time on this island, however I have never been there for sightseeing really mostly for party and sun, oh and this will be also the first time for Zachary.
Past weekend was for us a weekend full of Bratislava and Majáles. I really like it there as the atmosphere is like on any other music slash food slash beer festival. It is a great place for meeting people, to get your henna tattoo and to sign the petition. LOL. Not to mention that you don't have to cook as there are plenty opportunities to find great food and if you are more burger addicted on the other side of Danube was another place to get burgers - FOOD TRUCKS. The last picture is me looking for some yummy burger. Just kidding, I was looking for our friends that were standing like 1 meter from me.
To the outfit finally. If you are curious about how to wear loafers than the simple all black outfit will do the trick. I was inspired by Pohoda festival and my outfit consists from black dress that I got at Fashion swap last year ( which is a great event if you are up for recycling and sustainable fashion, check my last post about it here), pair of black jeans - my favorite at the moment. You can find them in Mango and are called ISA and really old (almost prehistoric) leather bag from Zara.
Have you been to Majáles this year?
P.S.: As I totally love my henna tattoo, I am thinking about something similar and permanent on my right arm, what do you think?
Have you been to Majáles this year?
P.S.: As I totally love my henna tattoo, I am thinking about something similar and permanent on my right arm, what do you think?
Ahoj všetci! Dúfam, že ste mali krásny víkend a ste nabití kopou pozitívnej energie. Ja sa chystám plánovať naše cesty na blížiacu sa dovolenku, takže ak máte nejaké tipy, kam sa vybrať na Malorke, budem viac než rada. Pokojne mi svoje nápady hoďte nižšie do komentárov. Bude to asi môj štvrtý raz na tomto ostrove, ale nikdy som tam nebola na normálnej dovči, ale viacmenej pre zábavu a slniečko a bude to aj prvá Zacharyho dovolenka.
Minulý víkend bol pre nás plný Bratislavy a Majálesu. Bolo tam parádne, pretože atmosféra je tam ako na akomkoľvek inom hudobnom/ food či pivnom feste. Je to skvelé miesto na stretávanie sa s ľuďmi, na henna tetko a podpisovanie petícií. LOL. Nehovoriac o tom, že nemusíte variť, pretože tu sa isto najete aj keby ste nechceli, v prípade, že ste viac závislí na burgeroch, tak na druhej strane Dunaja, bolo ďalšie miesto, kde hambáče rozvoniavali široko ďaleko - FOOD TRUCKY. Na poslednej fotke hľadám nejaký fajnový burger. Len srandujem, hľadala som našich priateľov, ktorí stáli asi meter odo mňa.
Konečne k outfitu. Ak ste zvedaví, ako nosiť mokošky, tak jednoduchý all black outfit určite bude to pravé. Ja som sa inšpirovala Pohodou a môj outfit pozostáva z čiernych šiat, ktoré mám z Látkovej výmeny z minulého roku (čo je skvelá udalosť, ak ste za recykláciu a trvalo udržateľnú módu, mrknite sa na môj posledný post tu), čierne džínsy - momentálne moje naj. Nájdete ich v Mangu a volajú sa ISA a skutočne stará (takmer prehistorická) kožená taška zo Zary.
Boli ste sa tento rok kuknúť na Majáles?
P.S.: Totálne som sa zamilovala do tetovania z henny a rozmýšľam o niečom podobnom a permanentnom na pravej ruke, čo poviete?
Shop my look:
Loafers - Humanic (Buy here)
Black jeans - Mango (Buy here)
Dress - Fashion swap (Similar)
Fringe bag - Zara (Similar)
Sunnies - Parfois (Similar)
Bandana - via (Similar)
Loafers - Humanic (Buy here)
Black jeans - Mango (Buy here)
Dress - Fashion swap (Similar)
Fringe bag - Zara (Similar)
Sunnies - Parfois (Similar)
Bandana - via (Similar)
2 komentárov
úúú to tetovanie je parádne :)
ReplyDelete..ďakujem, jediná škoda je, že po týždni ostane už iba spomienka :D