How to breast feed in style...
Friday, September 22, 2017- Vneck T-shirts
My everyday buddy was a plain white vneck t-shirt. The time has shown that the bigger the V-line is the easier it is for your baby to feed. If you need to cover yourself a bit then a huge cardigan is the best choice. It looks great and gives your baby enough comfort when you cover the huge side over your little pumpkin. - Classy button shirts
There are tons of different styles, materials and colors, but what all shirts have in common is the super power of the buttons when it comes to breast feeding and honestly I am pretty sure that each of you have tons of them in your closet. - Dresses
Here you can get a little wilder. There are many dresses that are suitable also during the maternity. I will start with the button up dresses, but if you prefer cotton dresses with a tiny bit of elasten, you can for sure go for the same rule as with the Vneck Tees and my last tip are wrap it up dresses.
All of these pieces provide your baby with enough space for the feeding time, you will save some money as you probably have most of these pieces in your closet already and remember that breast feeding is the most natural thing in the life as important as breathing, so make sure to feel comfortable in any occasion when your little one needs your attention.
Čaute všetci! Toto je špeciálny post na želanie pre všetky mamičky, ktoré svoje rozkošné bábätká dojčia. Ako mama som sa pravdepodobne stretla s rovnakými problémami ako vy. Asi si uvedomujeme, že dojčenie a móda nejdú vždy ruka v ruke. Preto prinášam zopár tipov ako ušetriť nejaké tie $$$ pri nákupe praktického a fashion oblečenia vhodného aj na kŕmenie bábätka.
- Véčkové tričká
Mojim každodenným kamošom bolo obyčajné biele tričko. Až čas ukázal, že čím väčší výstrih, tým ľahšie sa dalo bejby nakŕmiť. Ak sa chcete trošku viac zahaliť, tak si zoberte veľký kardigan, ten potom juniorovi dopraje dostatok pohodlia a nerušenej intimity, nuž a o tom, že budete vyzerať štýlovo asi ani nemusím hovoriť. - Košele na gombíky
Pri tejto kategórii je milión rôznych štýlov, farieb a materiálov, ale všetky majú spoločnú super silu gombíkov, keď už príde na kojenie a som si istá, že každá z vás má doma milión košieľ. - Šaty
Pri šatách sa môžete odviazať. Existuje množstvo strihov, ktoré vám dojčenie ulahčia atu sú mojimi favoritmi samozrejme tie na gombíky, potom sú to zavinovacie šaty a v neposlednom rade rovnaký strih ako pri véčkových tričkách. Tu ale dajte pozor, či má materál dostatok elasticity.
Všetky tieto tipy doprajú vašim miminkám dostatok miesta na kŕmenie, vy môžete veselo ušetriť nanejakú lrásnu dojčiacu podprsenku, pretože máte zrejme celú potrebnú výbavu v skrini a pamätajte dojčenie či kojenie či akokoľvek to pomenujeme je tá najprirodzenejšia vec na svete a rovnako potrebná ako dýchanie, tak sa uistite, že sa budete cítiť pohodlne kedykoľvek si váš drobec vyžiada vašu pozornosť.
Shop this look:
1.Wrap dress // 2. Button up dress // 3. Blue button up dress // 4. Checked shirt // 5. Crane top // 6. Wrap top
3 komentárov
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ReplyDeleteWell, that sounds very nice! I hope you can enjoy the next month. :) My last three weeks where really bad. My milk supply went rapidly down and I had to supplement with forumla. Feels pretty much like loosing you mommy superpower. :( Since I cant let my baby starve to death I decided to go with organic formula from Didnt make an easy choice and am not very happy, yet. But it was the best I could find and no hoping my little girl likes it.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you,
I definately loved the V-Necks! I wore them with a cute bralette, worked very well! Sadly I only was able to breastfeed my baby for 3-4 weeks, and I had to go with organic formula like Georgia. I used Hipp, too ^^ I got it here. If you can't breastfeed your baby, I think it's so important to get the best replacement. Hipp is organic and in my opinion has the best ingredients. My girl is now 5 and a very healthy and happy one :)