Fashion Hand in Prague...
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Hi all! I am sitting on the train on my way to Prague. When I saw on Facebook that all of the girls that I am actually following are going to be selling their wardrobes I had to be there. First of all I am contributing to the SVK version of this event and I love it and then it is a great opportunity to chat with them, buy some lovely clothes for reasonable prices and also to think about our environment and support sustainable fashion on its growth.
I wanted to be a girly event, nevertheless I am sitting here with my husband. We left junior with grandma. It would not be the best idea to travel as of 5 am with him. He could enjoy some quality sleep and then play around with granny all day long. And we could have a day “date” and enjoy Prague as travelers. This time I did not forgot to pack my camera. Aww. Such a clever girl.
Let’s talk about my outfit. We have made this one in the time when snow was only in our dreams, meaning you could find it only in Finland mainly. You could see one photo on my Instagram some time ago, but that’s it. Nevertheless this ootd just had to be shared in the online world and fits perfectly to today’s theme as I have bought the main part of this outfit which is the kimono at the Slovak version of the Blogger Bazaar from lovely and colorful Lenka from the Stylemon blog (if you are not following her yet, make sure to check her Insta here). I love it and you will see more pictures coming during spring and summer for sure.
Oh and I have bought my very first item in GUCCI as Xmas present for myself. I will reveal it when “SANTA” actually brings it. BUT, I am super excited. This is kind of a treat for myself from the first check from my new job. It is a girls dream come true moment. Some of you might find it funny, but for me this is actually a big thing as I am not spending this amount of money on clothes. EVER. But I have it from BLACK FRIDAY sales, so I guess it is ok.
What was the last item you have rewarded yourself?
Čaute kamoši! Sedím vo vlaku na ceste do Prahy. Keď som na FB videla, že baby ktoré vlastne sledujem ako blogerky idú predávať svoje šatníky, tak som hneď vedela, že tam proste nesmiem chýbať. Po prvé do podobnej akcie u nás na Slovensku sa vždy rada zapojím a potom je to skvelá príležitosť ako si s nimi pokecať naživo, nakúpiť si krásne oblečko za skvelé ceny a takisto rozmýšľať trošku ekologicky a podporiť trvalo udržateľnú módu.
Pôvodne som chcela, aby to bola babská akcia, napriek tomu tu teraz sedím so svojim manželom. Juniora sme nechali doma s babkou. Asi by pre ňho nebolo najlepšie cestovať od 5tej. Takto si mohol pekne pospinkať a celý deň sa pohrať s babinou. A my sme si mohli užiť denné randíčko a Prahu ako cestovatelia. Tentokrát som si dokonca nezabudla svoj foťák. Och. Také šikovné dievča.
Teraz k outfitu. Tento sme fotili ešte v čase, keď by sa sneh nemohol zhmotniť ani omylom, ale akosi mu trvalo dlhšie dostať sa na svetlo sveta. Na instagrame už jedna fotka síce bola, ale to je tak všetko. Tento ootd sa k dnešnej téme hodí, pretože jeho nosná časť pochádza práve zo slovenskej verzie Blogerského Bazáru a je ním kimono od veselej a farebnej Lenky zo Stylemon blog (ak ju ešte nesledujete, tak si určite pozrite jej INSTA). Som jej zaň vážne vďačná, pretože ho zbožňujem a určite ho na jar a v lete ešte uvidíte.
Kúpila som si svoj prvý kúsok u GUCCIho ako darček odo mňa pre mňa. Ukážem vám ho, keď mi ho Santa/Ježiško prinesie. ALE, som mega natešená. Je to taká moja odmena z prvej výplaty na novej pozícii. Je to taký môj sen, ktorý sa vyplnil. Možno sa vám to bude zdať smiešne, ale pre mňa je to celkom veľká vec, pretože nezvyknem míňať toľko peňazí na oblečenie. NIKDY. Na moju obhajobu, mám ho zo zliav počas BLACK FRIDAY, tak snáď je to ok.
Aký bol váš posledný kúsok, ktorým ste sa odmenili baby?
Shop my look:
Jeans - Mango (Similar)
Kimono - Blogger Bazaar @ Satori Stage (Similar in beige)
Dress - Gift from Petra (Check her INSTA)
Shoes - Humanic (Buy here)
Bag - Mango (Similar)
Sunnies - Parfois (Similar)
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