Where to find the end of your comfort zone?...
Friday, January 26, 2018
A beautiful morning to everyone and I sincerely hope that it
will NOT snow today! Don’t get me wrong I do not have anything against the
snow, but sometimes I do not need to see it in the city, like when I plan to prepare
new post about those lovely pair of mocasins or if I do not want to wear my
snow shoes, or when I need to get to work by bus. That list could be 2 meters
long. On the other hand, this article is about overcoming one's self.
If you scroll through below photos, you'll quickly find out
which type of the scene is closer to my personality. One would expect that as a
blogger, I would like to be posing in front of the lenses, but as far as
photography in the studio with canvas and lights is concerned, both my optimism
and easiness ends there. On the scene comes a totally different person. I swear
that I get ugly , weight at least 20 more pounds and look a lot like skimpy
But on the other hand, one says that it is necessary to step
outside of your comfort zone at least a few times in a lifetime. When I think
about it, I have not had so many chances to prove myself so far. Few things that I consider as a huge fly over my comfort zone are – every change
in my career for sure, show Nakupne maniacky and 6 months in Spain as Erasmus student
(if you are still studying – take it as my recommendation - I mean it).
So please enjoy my BALL inspiration. Simple long dress,
delicate make-up and mega sophisticated hairstyle from the lovely Ikens ART& Beauty. For all the hard work behind the lenses the Oscar goes to Tomáš
a.k.a. Tom Loft and I am extremely grateful for his drops of sweat on both
fields. (You could easily slip on the wet floor, that hard it was with me.)
How often have you had to cross your comfort zones in your life?
How often have you had to cross your comfort zones in your life?
Ak si budete skrolovať fotky, tak asi rýchlo zistíte, ktorý typ fotenia je môjmu srdcu bližší. Človek by čakal, že ako blogerke sa mi bude pózovanie pred objektívom brutálne ľúbiť, nuž pokiaľ ide o fotenie v ateliéri s plátnom a svetlami, tak tu môj optimizmus a nenútenosť končí. Na scénu prichádza výrazne nesvoja osoba. Dokonca by som prisahala, že oškarednem, priberiem aspoň 20 kíl a tvárim sa ako skysnuté mlieko.
Ale na druhej strane sa vraví, že treba vykročiť spoza hraníc svojej komfortnej zóny aspoň pár krát za život. Keď nad tým tak spätne uvažujem, tak týchto výšľapov som zatiaľ nemala až tak veľa. V každom prípade sem zarátavam každú zmenu pracovnej pozície, absolvovanie nákupných maniačok či môj polročný pobyt v Španielsku v rámci Erasmu (mimochodom je to niečo, čo odporúčam každému študentovi).
Dnes vám teda prinášam moju inšpiráciu na tému plesov a plesania. Jednoduché dlhé šaty, jemné líčenie a mega sofistikovaný účes od šikovnej Ikens ART & Beauty. V ateliéri aj mimo neho Oskara získava Tomáš a.k.a. Tom Loft a ja som mu za jeho kvapky potu nesmierne vďačná.
Ako často ste v živote museli prekročiť vašu komfortnú zónu priatelia?
Shop my look:
Dress - Peek&Cloppenburg (Aupark Bratislava)
Clutch - Lipsy
Shoes - Stradivarius
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