Another sweet romance...

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Floral mood…/Kvetinová nálada…

I guess that all of my friends know that I am not a romantic person, however as a girl I like to wear floral prints. But for sure not in a sweet and lovely way, therefore when going out in flowers then only with faux leather. Ooh, btw we are testing a new lens so do not forget to leave a comment whether you like the pictures.

Coat / Kabát  – New Yorker

Predpokladám, že všetci moji priatelia vedia, že nie som romantička, ale ako dievča rada nosím aj kvetinovú potlač. No isto nie sladkým a milým spôsobom, preto keď idem von v kvetoch, tak jedine s koženkou. Och a mimochodom testujeme nový objektív, tak kľudne komentujte ako sa vám páčia fotky.

Hat/ Klobúk – Pull&Bear also here/aj tu

Skirt/ Sukňa – Zara  // Bag / Kabelka – Zara

Vest / Vesta – Bershka (Xmas gift from mom)

How do you like these picures?  // Ako sa vám páčia tieto fotky?

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4 komentárov

  1. They are look great as always..veľmi pekný blog tento :) tvoja A.. :*

  2. Hello, & nice nice nice:-) Where is the floral top from?

    1. Hi there, it's really old, so no longer available, but it's from this e-shop:
