Lost in the woods...
Monday, February 16, 2015
Tartan dress…/Tartanové šaty…
Is there a better color for Valentines than red? At nails, lips, dresses, roses and hearts. This weekend was really a special one for me and therefore we decided to choose a special place for shooting – in the woods.
This dress is amazingly playful and girly, don’t you think so?
Is there a better color for Valentines than red? At nails, lips, dresses, roses and hearts. This weekend was really a special one for me and therefore we decided to choose a special place for shooting – in the woods.
This dress is amazingly playful and girly, don’t you think so?
Ako lepšie vystihnúť Valentína ako červenou? A to hneď na nechtoch, perách, šatách, ružiach a srdiečkach. Tento víkend bol pre mňa obzvlášť výnimočný, a tak sme si aj na fotenie vybrali pre nás netradičné miesto a išli do lesa.
Tieto šaty sú úžasne hravé a dievčenské, čo poviete?
Dress/ Šaty – Bonprix // Bag / Kabelka – CCC // Jacket / Bunda – Mango
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If you spend any time in the woods whatsoever, you need to know how to survive being lost in the woods. At any time, even the most skilled hiker or hunter can lose his or her bearings and suddenly become lost. In the event that such an incident occurs, the individual will need to do everything he or she can to survive, perhaps for hours or even days, before either finding one’s way back home or encountering search rescuers. See more http://survival-mastery.com/skills/bushcraft/lost-in-the-woods.html