Summer is over...
Wednesday, September 02, 2015
Oversized and stripes are good friends of mine. Even when it's raining and cloudy and cold. I will for sure miss the sunny weather, but on the other side I can wear my jeans, trench and boots, oh and clean up my closet and change it to winter look.
Will you miss this summer?
Oversized a pásiky sú moji dobrí kamoši. Dokonca aj keď vonku prší, je zamračené a chladno. Slnečné počasie mi bude iste chýbať, ale aspoň budem môcť nosiť jeansy, trench a čižmy, oh a upratať si šatník a dať mu zimný look.
Bude vám toto leto chýbať?
Dress, watch - Mohito // Bag, shoes - H&M
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