How to wear bomber jacket...
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Hola! Probably most of you have already seen tons of bloggers and girls wearing bomber jackets and this is quite normal as it is a TREND of this season. I am normally a person who is NOT following trends, BUT I really like the variety of jackets that are now available in every other shop - the only difference is price/material and of course design. I was looking for the right jacket for me for few hours and tried plenty of them and almost left the shop as I wanted a bright red one, but on my way out - there it was, screaming my name. Haha. The perfect denim bomber jacket with embroidery waiting for me.
Are you planning to buy one as well?
Hola! Pravdepodobne väčšina z vás už videla tony blogeriek a báb nosiť bomberky, ale je to úplne normálne, keďže ide o trend tejto sezóny. Normálne som človek, ktorý nesleduje trendy, ale vážne sa mi páči rôznorodosť búnd, ktoré sú teraz k dispozícii v každom druhom obchode - jediný rozdiel je cena/ materiál a samozrejme vypracovanie. Hľadala som na tú pravú bundu pre mňa zopár hodín a veľa z nich vyskúšala, takmer som odišla z obchodu, pretože som chcela jasne červenú, ale na mojej ceste von - bola tam a kričala moje meno. Haha. Čakala na mňa perfektná denimová bomberka s výšivkou.
Aj vy sa chystáte kúpiť si nejakú?
Bomber jacket - Stradivarius (shop here) // Shirt dress / mama jeans - H&M // Backpack - Zara (shop here) / Converse (shop here)
1 komentárov
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful! I'm now inspired to try this on one of my sewing projects! I love your blog!