Different shops and prejudice...
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Hola! I guess that all of you have realized as you are getting older that you tend to have prejudice against different types of shops mainly because you have overgrown some of them. Perfect example is New Yorker as it is oriented for teenagers and yet I have bought this dress there which from my point of view does not look like a girly dress at all. Not to mention that it was less than 10Eur. You could object that it probably looks cheep or is of poor quality, but you can trust me, that the material even though it is not cotton feels really comfortable in the hot weather.
So my advice is - go above prejudice.
Ahoj! Myslím, že všetci z vás si uvedomili, že ako starnú mávajú predsudky voči rôznym typom obchodov hlavne preto, že niektoré z nich prerástli. Dokonalým príkladom je New Yorker, pretože je orientovaný na teenagerov, napriek tomu som si tam kúpila tieto šaty, ktoré z môjho pohľadu nevyzerajú vôbec ako dievčenské. Nehovoriac o tom, že stáli menej ako 10Eur. Dalo by sa namietať, že asi vyzerajú lacno alebo sú nekvalitné, ale môžete mi veriť, že materiál i keď to nie je bavlna je príjemný a to aj v horúčavách.
Takže moja rada znie - povzneste sa nad predsudky.
Dress - New Yorker // Hat - Koton // Bag - H&M // Shoes - Zara
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