Back to roots a.k.a. men outfits comeback...
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Hi all! When I first started to write this blog my intention was clear. This blog was ment to be an inspiration full of women and men outfits and I wanted to be mainly behind the camera. If you are following me for longer time then you do remember my brother, my friend Aďka and my hubby starring as my models. As the time passes this blog has evolved to its current state. I have become the main „model“ and my hubby has become a photographer.
Now is the right time to switch our roles and I can hold my camera again. And guess what? I feel really comfortable on the other site. The best thing is that I could make these lovely pictures for my husband and the little one.
Anyway this weekend was warm and sunny and the garden near Grassalkovich palace was full of hipsters, families with kids and I am not sure but I think we somehow look a tiny bit like „hipsta“ too. The man of my life was wearing outfit from eshop and junior was wearing his new snapback from H&M. He learnt pretty quickly how to put it down, so I am
not sure if he will be wearing it again or just use it as a new toy.
How do you like my photographer skills? :D
Now is the right time to switch our roles and I can hold my camera again. And guess what? I feel really comfortable on the other site. The best thing is that I could make these lovely pictures for my husband and the little one.
Anyway this weekend was warm and sunny and the garden near Grassalkovich palace was full of hipsters, families with kids and I am not sure but I think we somehow look a tiny bit like „hipsta“ too. The man of my life was wearing outfit from eshop and junior was wearing his new snapback from H&M. He learnt pretty quickly how to put it down, so I am
not sure if he will be wearing it again or just use it as a new toy.
How do you like my photographer skills? :D
Ahojte všetci! Keď som prvýkrát začala písať tento blog môj zámer bol jasný. Tento blog mal byť inšpiráciou a obsahovať tak ženské ako aj mužské outfity a ja som chcela byť najmä za foťákom. Ak ma sledujete už dlhší čas, potom si pamätáte začiatky s mojim bratom, Aďkou a mojim manželom ako modelmi. Ako čas plynie, tento blog sa vyvinul do svojho dnešného stavu. Ja som sa stala hlavnou "modelkou" a môj manžel sa stal fotografom.
Teraz je ten správny čas, aby sa naše úlohy vymenili a ja môžem opäť držať foťák vo svojich rukách. A hádajte čo? Na opačnej strane sa cítim naozaj pohodlne. Najlepšie je, že som mohla spraviť tieto krásne fotky pre môjho manžela a krpca.
V každom prípade tento víkend bol teplý a slnečný a záhrada pri Grassalkovichovom paláci bola plná hipsterov, rodiniek s deťmi a nie som si úplne istá, ale myslím, že aj my sme tak nejak vyzerali ako "hipsta". Muž môjho života mal na sebe kúsky z eshopu a junior mal na sebe nový snapback od H&M. Bohužial celkom rýchlo prišiel na to ako sa dáva dole, tak sa obávam, že ju bude mať skôr ako novú hračku.
4 komentárov
Ježiiiiiš, aký je malý zlatý <333 Aj hubby vyzerá super, mám na mužoch najradšej takýto jednoduchý, športový street style! Tomu môjmu to tak sekne najviac.
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..ďakujem Peti, bájdvej dostala si môj hlas v Blogerovi roka, tuším som bola aj prvá, tak ti budem držať palce..konkurencia je teda riadna a všade..drahému odkážem, že sa páči, nech mu srdce zaplesá :D : D ..pekné sviatky želám :-*
Deletety si nielen super blogerka ale aj skvelá fotografka drahá ;) teda..ďakujem krásne :D