Vintage culottes at Slavkov...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Hi guys! I guess it is no surprise that you can find unexpected pieces in the secondhands and I was so lucky to find some while roaming thru few of them with Lenka from the blog - We travel with love. I did not plan to buy anything in the first place, but you have to admit that I could not leave these culottes there. It is a perfect match with my white top, you could already see it in action at Liptovská Mara (click here). The sunnies are an inspiration from Beka and you most likely know her from her blog - Style of Becca and honestly I think that they are super cute.

When we hit the road to Slavkov, I was not wearing my bra and I had several reasons to do so. The temperature climbed to the heaven and I wanted to eliminate as many pieces of clothing as possible. Unfortunately this top reveals a little too much and I was forced to wear the top of my super neon bikiny. I know it's not "a perfect match," but the choice was just the bikiny bra or the purple one. So now you see.

Still, the photos look nice and I the huge thanks go to my court photographer for that. Zachary enjoyed all of the fountains, there is like million of them in Slavkov, and then a guy who showed up in the parc with a basket full of puppies. (8 puppies to be precised) Our journey then continued to the Macocha gulf and a we stop by in Brno for lunch. Sviečková is a must have.

What are your favorite spots during summer weekends?

P.S.: The statues look exactly like Joffrey's de Peyrac from Angelique. LOL.

Čaute kamoši! Nie je žiadne tajomstvo, že v sekáčoch môžete objaviť nečakané kúsky a mne sa to podarilo, keď sme ich prechádzali spolu s Lenkou z blogu We travel with love. Pôvodne som nemala v najmenšom úmysle niečo si kúpiť, ale uznajte, že tieto vzorované kulotky som tam nemohla nechať. Perfektne mi sadli k topu, ktorý ste už mohli vidieť v akcii nachate pri Liptovskej Mare (klik sem). Okuliare mám vďaka tipu od Beky zo Style of Becca a sú mňam.

Keď sme vyrážali na výlet na Slavkov, nemala som na sebe žiadnu podprsenku a mala som na to svoje dôvody. Teploty sa totiž šplhali k nebesám a ja som chcela eliminovať, čo najviac kusov oblečenia. Bohužiaľ, tento top odhaľuje trošku viac ako by človek čakal, a tak pod neho putoval vrch z mojich super neónových plaviek. Viem, že sa to „bohovsky“ hodí, ale na výber bol len ten alebo fialová podprsenka. No uznajte.

Fotky sa napriek všetkému vydarili a za to vďačím môjmu dvornému fotografovi. Zachary sa najviac tešil z fontán, ktorých je na Slavkove asi milión, nuž a potom z týpka, ktorý sa tu len tak zjavil s košom plným šteniatok. Náš výlet smeroval ešte k priepasti Macocha a na obed do Brna. Sviečková totiž musí byť.

Kam chodíte na výlety počas letných víkendov vy?

P.S.: Sochy tam majú ako Joffrey de Peyrac z Angeliky. HAHAHA.

Shop my look:
Culottes and scarf - Secondhand
Top - Zara SALE (sold out)
Bag - Reserved SALE (sold out)
Sunnies - ZeroUV (Buy here)

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