Are you looking for a bad hairdresser?...

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Good morning folks! Maternity is a huge thing and brings tons of funny moments to your everyday life. I do not consider myself as a BIO MOM (it sounds like an insult these days), sugar is not a bugaboo, but the truth is that I tend to buy let's say a bit healthier sweets, meaning fruit and vegetable based and with no added nonsense, BUT...I will for sure hide the jelly bears from the next baby for a little longer. Mr. Awesome has got one as a treat for a hairdresser session. Well not really, as I was the one cutting his hair and he was screaming madly and if you expect the best hair style like his daddy has from a barber then that is not happening. I really hope that people stop mistaken him for a girl.

Lesson learned - stop cutting your kid's hair, or even better stop cutting any kids' hair and I got one more from the other day - stop cutting your hair. So I guess my hairdresser carier is at it's very end. So much for our weekend. Well it just occured to me that I have never tried Pali's hair - so maybe I should reconsider it once again.

Another topic on my mind is my Birthday. I am thinking about a make up course as a gift. Well I do not intend to walk around with tons of make-up on my face of course, but a little something would not hurt and you probably wouldn't be upset if I'd look better on the photos, right? So if you have any tips for such courses, please let me know. I was thinking about LUCID.

Thanks a lot for all your tips and see you next week.

Dobré ránko! Materstvo je veľká vec a prináša kopu zábavných momentov. V žiadnom prípade nie som BIO MATKA (tento pojem už tuším znie ako nadávka), cukor u nás nie je žiaden strašiak, ale pravdou je, že zvyknem voliť zdravšie sladkosti, rozumej na báze ovocia bez pridaného cukru, ale... Pri druhom dieťati sa rozhodne pokúsime zatajiť gumené cukríky o trošku dlhšie. Dnes totiž jedného ten náš pán Čarovný dostal ako odmenu za neskutočný rev pri strihaní vlasov. Ak čakáte, že má najštýlovejší účes ako jeho tatino od barbera, tak to vás teda vyvediem z omylu. Jediné v čo dúfam je,že si ho prestanú mýliť s dievčatkom.

Získala som aspoň ponaučenie do budúcnosti - vlastné deti nestrihám, vlastne žiadne deti nestrihám a od minula mi ostalo aj - SEBA nestrihám. Takže kariéru hair stylistky môžem pokojne zavesiť na klinec. Toľko vsuvka k nášmu víkendu. Ešte mi napadlo, že Paliho som neskúšala strihať, tak možno to nezavesím na klinec úplne.

Ďalšia vec na mojom blogo zozname je, že sa blížia moje narodky a ja zvažujem, že by som si ako darček vypýtala kurz sebalíčenia. Nie že by som sa plánovala maľovať ako KRASLICA od rána do večera, ale asi by ste nedbali keby som na fotkách krajšie upravená. Tak mi prosím pokojne dajte svoje tipy na šikovné MUA, ktoré robia takéto kurzy. Mne napadla iba LUCID.

Ďakujem krásne za tipy a vidíme sa o týždeň.

Shop my look:
Coat - H&M (Buy here)
Trousers - H&M (Similar)
Sweather - H&M (Similar)
Shoes - (Similar)
Cap - random gas station on the way to Salzburg 
Backpack - CCC Shoes&bags (sold out)
Letter R - I Love Kuku (Buy here)

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