Little prince and good deeds...
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Hi folks! If you would ask me 'Why do you love Christmas
so much?' my answer won't shock you at all. Xmas rush, crowded shopping
malls, angry drivers and crying children are pushed deeply into my unconsciousness.
I know that all of this is happining around me all the time but I melt the background
noises into the white noise and just ignore the whole lot. What I do care
about are xmas lights, beautiful smell of the hot wine, rustle of the paper and PEOPLE. Just a tiny fraction to be precise . I tend to care about those who
seem to be unhappy, hungry or brokenhearted.
Please don't get me wrong. This post shouldn't be about presenting my own good deeds. It should inspire you to care more about people that are less lucky than you are. So next time if you see some homeless person picking your leftovers from junk on the X'Mas market please try to make his/hers day better rather than just look or walk away. How? I will leave that one to be your own decision as there are different ways of showing humanity and trust me that every act of goodness will multiply and it will get back to you in one way or another. I have seen it many times and it works like magic.
I got a bit emotional so now back to the easy stuff - if you love my outfit then continue to read. It is partly secondhand, partly DIY and from 80% fairytale-like. Here is why. My pants are from Czech version od Bloger Bazaar, boots have been customized by myself and Zuzka (check it here) and thanks to Tomáš it looks like from the Little Prince (well at least the first picture). The musthave coat is from SheIn and you can get it HERE, just bear in mind that it is suitable for days like yesterday where the temperature is around 10 degrees as does nothing have a lining.
What do you ignore and what do you take care the most during Christmas time?
Please don't get me wrong. This post shouldn't be about presenting my own good deeds. It should inspire you to care more about people that are less lucky than you are. So next time if you see some homeless person picking your leftovers from junk on the X'Mas market please try to make his/hers day better rather than just look or walk away. How? I will leave that one to be your own decision as there are different ways of showing humanity and trust me that every act of goodness will multiply and it will get back to you in one way or another. I have seen it many times and it works like magic.
I got a bit emotional so now back to the easy stuff - if you love my outfit then continue to read. It is partly secondhand, partly DIY and from 80% fairytale-like. Here is why. My pants are from Czech version od Bloger Bazaar, boots have been customized by myself and Zuzka (check it here) and thanks to Tomáš it looks like from the Little Prince (well at least the first picture). The musthave coat is from SheIn and you can get it HERE, just bear in mind that it is suitable for days like yesterday where the temperature is around 10 degrees as does nothing have a lining.
What do you ignore and what do you take care the most during Christmas time?
Teraz ma nechápte zle. Tento post nemá byť o prezentovaní mojich dobrých skutkoch. Práve naopak. Má byť o vás. Preto, keď najbližšie uvidíte človeka bez domova ako na vianočných trhoch vyberá zo smetí všetko, čo ste už vy nechceli, tak skúste miesto odvrátenia zraku tomuto človeku spraviť krajší deň. Ako? To už nechám na vás, pretože ľudskosť má mnoho podôb a verte mi, že všetko, čo tomuto svetu a ľuďom v ňom dáte, sa vám vráti. Mám to odskúšané a je to magické.
Dnes som bola trošku emotívnejšia, tak spať k ľahkej téme - ak vás zaujíma môj dnešný look, tak je čiastočne sekáčový, čiastočne DIY a veľmi rozprávkový. Nohavice mám totiž z Bloger Bazaru v Prahe, čižmičky som si spoločne so Zuzkou vytunovala (článok TU) a vďaka Tomášovi mám aj svoju vysnívanú fotku ako vystrihnutú z Malého Princa. Kabát je z SheIn a nájdete ho TU, ale rozhodne sa hodí skôr do teplejšej zimy alebo na prechodné obdobia, pretože vôbec nie je podšitý.
Ako ste na tom počas Vianoc vy? Čo si najviac všímate a čo naopak úplne ignorujete?
Shop my look:
Coat - SheIn (Buy here)
Pants - Bloger Bazaar
Blouse - Stradivarius (Similar)
Pullover - Zaful (Similar)
Shoes - CCC Shoes & bags (Shop in sales)
Bag - Mohito (old)
Sunnies - SheIn (Similar)
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