Only fools would believe...
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Hi all! I hope you are having a wonderful time. I am
already counting days till Christmas and Today is actually my last working day
this year. I should probably have some Prosseco for celebration, but I guess
I would have to wait till New Years Eve. I dont even stress at all
that we do not have any plans yet.
It is not that long when I was whimpering that I have
found that the most bear-like coat ever, which easily covers chunky sweater or
leather jacket, but i tis rather pricey and then Imady the decision NOT TO BUY
anythingthat was not in SALE. So I have mourn over it in silence at home
and aloud on social networks of course, but every now and then when I was in
the neighbourhood of H&M, went there and checked if I still so desire
to posses it. Because I tend to get impressed by bullshit (please excuse
my language) from time to time. And you can bet that they keep relocate it each
week so I got like 100s of heart attacks, thinking it was sold out, when I finally
saw the 50 off sign.
I walked determined into the shop to realise that it
has been relocated once again. But there he was waiting for me like the Last of
the Mohicans and I knew that it fits perfectly, so I grabbed few
other things on my way to fitting room,which I bought in the end except
for one dress. The result is that I did not spare a cent, but at
least I have the whole outfit for the price of coat. I have bought
these trousers, sweater and earrings.
And now please take a closer look at my shoes. Because
these low snow boots are TOP. You can get them at and these boots just work nicely with any 7/8 trousers, anyway I would look like a hobbit in the tall ones.
They are sprakly and very warm. Tried and underlined – these are
Are you wearing bare ankles in winter?
Nie je to tak dávno, čo som vám vyplakávala, že som si našla medvedí kožuch,
pod ktorý s prehľadom napchám aj tučný sveter či koženú bundu, ale stojí
kopu peňazí a ja som sa už dávno rozhodla nenakupovať ako šialená mimo
zliav. V duchu som ten kabát síce oplakala a na sociálnych sieťach aj
nahlas, ale i tak mi to nedalo a občas, keď ma vietor zavial pred H&M,
som sa išla pozrieť, či ho ešte majú a či si ho ešte stále prosím. Pretože
občas sa nadchnem aj pre úplnú kravinu. Nuž a oni mi ho tam pravidelne
premiestňovali a ja som pravidelne dostávala mini infarkt, že už nie je,
až som jedného dňa zbadala vo výklade čarovných -50%.
Nabehla som teda odhodlane do predajne, kde už opäť nebol na
poslednom stanovisku a potom som ho zbadala. Čakal na mňa ako posledný Mohykán a keďže
som vedela, že mi je tuti-fruti, tak som po ceste pozbierala ešte zopár kúskov,
ktoré až na jedny šaty išli so mnou tiež. Z môjho šetrenia nebolo nič,
pretože kabát síce bol za polovicu, ale tú druhú som minula na sveter, nohavice
a náušnice. Nakoniec som aspoň mohla poskladať komplet outfit.
A poprosím vás dobre zaostrite na moju obuv. Pretože
tieto nízke snehule sú TOP. Nájdete ich v Topánkove
a k nohaviciem po kotníky sú perfektné, pretože s vysokými moje
hobitie nôžky vyzerajú smiešne. A po druhé sú mega trblietavé a mega
teplé. Odskúšané a podčiarknuté – tieto sú bombové.
Coat, tousers, sweater and Earrings - H&M (Bory Mall)
Shoes - (Buy here)
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